Career Coaching

For Professional and Emerging Screenwriters

Career coaching is where
screenwriting career aspirations
meet practical planning

The Career Coaching Intake Session focuses on answering your questions, devising strategy, and providing foundation for ongoing relationships. 


Get Started – Intake

Complete Coaching Packages allow the writer to combine the intake session with coaching packages for ongoing coaching support at reduced prices.


Package Details

My AUCP (Annual Unlimited Coaching Plan) offers unlimited meetings, calls, emails and text support for a full calendar year, combined with an intake.


Annual Coaching

Whether you succeed as a screenwriter is not entirely in your hands. Industry needs, trends, and sheer luck may subvert even the best efforts from the most talented scribes. What you do hold is the ability to devise and follow a focused strategy to ensure that you will give yourself the best chance for success.

How It Works

Each of my coaching relationships begins with the Career Coaching Intake Session, a 60-minute career strategy session over Zoom. 

The Career Coaching Intake Session is all about learning where the writer is in their career/career pursuit now, whether just starting out, making the most of new opportunities, or managing an active career writing in TV, features or both. In this meeting, we will explore the highs and the lows of the writer’s unique track, dig into current challenges, define where the writer ultimately wants to go, and begin to assemble an overall career strategy. 

Following the Intake, whether working with a coaching pack or on an annual engagement, I work with each client based on their unique needs. We utilize my proprietary career coaching tools to set comprehensive career goals and deadlines, develop a game plan and implement effective next steps in order to focus our efforts, work smart, and create consisted and targeted career progress.

With emerging writers, we work on everything from the construction of healthy writerly habits, optimizing and building on the writer’s brand, constructing a strong personal narrative as well as an industry relevant pedigree, building and extending the writer’s network and community, developing a representation strategy, and much more. I also help emerging writers capitalize on and prepare for new opportunities, develop meeting skills, prepare for fellowship submissions, get ready for competitive interviews, general meetings and representation meetings, and much more.

With repped and professional writers, we assess the current career state, identify problems or areas of challenge, discuss and set strategy for any potential pivots or desired progress, explore how to optimize and manage existing and potentially sensitive industry relationships, navigate roadblocks, focus personal habits, reinvigorate stalled relationships, consider any changes to or challenges with to the existing team, prepare pitches and address the ongoing demands of working in the entertainment industry.

Whether working with emerging or professional screenwriters, coaching is completely tailored to each individual. My goal with every writer is to create consistent and strategic FORWARD motion.

Have questions? Check out my FAQs for more information.


The benefits of working with a career coach include:

  • Developing and executing a focused career strategy
  • Setting comprehensive and actionable screenwriting-related goals
  • Preparing submissions for feature and television writing programs
  • Seeking out and attracting the right representation
  • Managing your reps to get the most out of your industry advocates
  • Preparing for general meetings, staffing opportunities and industry pitches

  • Cultivating your existing network and building your community
  • Defining and extending your brand and body of work
  • Working through writing and business challenges
  • Creating effective deadlines and accountability
  • Constructing lasting writing and business routines and habits

Ready to get started?

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