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Your Career Plan


Ready to move your screenwriting career forward, but not sure what to do next? Sign up for your very own bespoke career plan in one of the following areas:

  • Writing features
  • Writing TV
  • Writing everything!
  • Writer-director

Your unique career development blueprint will include assessments in various areas, as well as concrete suggestions for your next, most effective career steps. 

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Product Description

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Ready to move your screenwriting career forward, but not sure what to do next? Sign up for the customized career trajectory blueprint that’s right for you and get started on those all-important next career steps.

Your Career Plan brings together your unique body of work, experience, accomplishments and career trajectory along with my decades of industry experience guiding the careers of emerging and professional screenwriters, writer-directors, and directors. Over the years, I’ve learned from each and every writer I’ve worked with and every industry friend I’ve talked to, and I share that knowledge with you now via these career plans.  In your final blueprint, we will explore the best next steps for the screenwriting and/or TV writing career that you want.

Your entirely bespoke evaluation will include: 

  • Overall Assessment
  • Your Strengths & Assets
  • Challenges and detractors
  • Success in the current industry climate
  • Your best career prospects
  • Effective next steps for your screenwriting success

Your Career Plan offers a series of entirely bespoke action plans for the development of your body of work, your representation approach and, ultimately, your screenwriting career strategy. 

Utilizing decades of industry experience working with thousands of writers, writer-directors and directors as well as endless ongoing conversations with my friends in representation, production and the executive branch, Your Career Plan unlocks a bespoke career trajectory blueprint dedicated to exploring your viability, strengths and challenges and offering up viable next steps for your pursuit of representation, a career in screenwriting, TV writing or both, or a career as a writer-director. Additionally, under the Portfolio offering, Your Career Plan offers stand-alone assessments that explore  all that you bring to the table: your brand, concepts and body of work.

Whether evaluating your body of work, making a plan for representation or considering your next career steps, the first thing you have to do is choose! You can opt for a single career plan, or add additional offerings, such as portfolio evaluations, to your cart. I’m here to assess, evaluate and strategize however you need me to in order to help move your screenwriting career forward!

Once you’ve purchased your plan, rundown or evaluation, it’s time to collect your information. Within 2-business-days you’ll be sent links to my data aggregators that will allow me to collect your specific information in order to build your bespoke action plan. You will be required to fill out extensive information about the area of focus that you chose for your plan. If additional information is needed, I will send over more questions via email in order to help me devise the best strategy for you. 

You will receive your comprehensive, bespoke plan or assessment within 10-15 business days. Each career plan, rundown and assessment is created for the unique writer, and will be filled with my insights and suggestions specific for your next career steps. 

Your Career Plan assessments, blueprints and plans break down as follows: 

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