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Limited Time Offer: 2025 Totally Loaded Coaching Bundle

Original price was: $4,398.00.Current price is: $2,999.00.

Included in 2025’s Totally Loaded Coaching Bundle:

Annual Unlimited Coaching Plans (AUCP)
One full year of uninterrupted coaching, including a Career Coaching  Intake Session and a script read

Group Membership
1-year membership to Screenwriters Support Group

Access to my complete suite of coaching tools
Including goal sheets, tracking modules and more!

Offer expires January 31, 2025.



Product Description

2025 Totally Loaded Coaching Bundle

The 2025 Totally Loaded Bundle, available only in Jan 2025, has been designed to help you work smart, resolve challenges, create ongoing accountability and support you consistently and effectively in the year ahead. The bundle includes:

  • Annual Unlimited Coaching Plan (1-year of uninterrupted coaching sessions, calls, texts and emails)
  • Career Coaching Intake Session
  • One (1) complimentary Script Read
    • Screenplay up to 120 pages
    • 1-hour pilot up to 64 pages
    • 1/2-hour pilot up to 38 pages
  • 1-Year Membership to Screenwriters Support Group
  • Access to my complete suite of coaching tools (as needed)

The Annual Unlimited Coaching Plan, offered as part of 2025’s Totally Loaded Bundle, is my favorite method of coaching and is utilized by many of my most successful clients including showrunners, A-list studio writers, working TV writers as well as writers just starting out and building their writing practice and runway. It’s constructed to give you the support, guidance and tools you need to get your 2025 in screenwriting off to a great start, help build momentum and move your career forward both in the industry and on the content front. The bundle is available only in January 2025.

Coaching starts with my Career Coaching Intake Session, the foundation for all of my coaching relationships. In our early sessions, we will devise a general plan for moving your career forward no matter the stage it’s currently at, which will help us arrived at strategic goals, both creative and career-driven, setting aggressive but achievable goals for the year ahead. You may use your complimentary script read ahead of your intake, or at any time during your coaching year. 

Throughout the year, we will continue to pursue your creative and career strategy, adjusting to challenges as we go, creating and preparing for opportunities while developing key materials including:

  • Your personal narrative (aka “the story of YOU”)
  • Exposure & relationship management strategy for reps
  • Fellowship essays
  • Arsenal for all projects including logline, 1-pager and short verbal pitch
  • Industry project pitches as needed
  • Comprehensive submission plans for each script
  • Query letters and other materials as needed

As we progress through year I will continue to be available to you via email and text in addition to our regular ongoing meetings. We will work session-by-session to ensure that you are staying on track and making smart career-driven decisions, as well as mindfully addressing any challenges that come up.

You will also receive an annual membership to Screenwriters Support Group, a thriving online community for writers at various career stages. SSG meets (via Zoom) four times a month; craft sessions, lead by Pilar Alessandra, take place on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month while career sessions, lead by me, take place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month and include industry updates, a live Q &A and targeted workshops. Most months includes a Special Guest session with working writers, reps and other industry experts and professionals. 

Live sessions are recorded and distributed to the group following the session. 

Regular A La Cart Price for above: $4,398

Bundle Price: $2,999
Savings: $1,399/32%



The 2025 Totally Loaded Coaching Bundle, comes complete with:

  • Annual Unlimited Coaching Plan (1-year of uninterrupted coaching sessions, calls and emails)
  • Career coaching intake session
  • Complimentary script read
  • One years’ membership to Screenwriters Support Group
  • Access to Lee’s complete suite of coaching tools as needed
    • Screenwriting Career Goal Setting Worksheets
    • Submission Tracking Worksheets, complete tracking modules
    • Weekly Goal Planner
    • Project Planner
    • Project Pitch Cheat Sheet
    • Contact Tracking worksheet template
    • Personal Narrative worksheet

This offer is non-refundable. 

All work associated with the AUCP will be dedicated to career coaching in the screenwriting space and/or related entertainment industry space, and may take place over email, by phone or in person.

Lee Jessup will provide ongoing insight, constructive criticism and knowledge to guide Client, i.e., writer, writing team or partners, writer-director or director towards effective forward motion in his entertainment-related career. Success or failure depends on a variety of elements, including: The quality of client’s work, the ability of client to complete assigned tasks in a timely fashion, as well as client’s candor. Elements such as industry trends, market needs and changing project viability are beyond both client’s and Lee’s control.

A successful coaching relationship requires participation from both coach and client. While coach is expected to provide perspective, knowledge, guidance, industry insights and thoughtful recommendations related to both creative and strategic efforts, client is expected to respect relationship boundaries, follow coach’s advice or engage in thoughtful discussion when deviating from it, consistently deliver elements (be they work, networking efforts, or other industry-related initiatives) recommended for desired progress.

Should client continuously fail to deliver agreed-upon work or systematically miss pre-scheduled in-person, phone or Skype meetings, Lee may terminate the coaching relationship at any time. Should the AUCP be terminated as a result of client’s participation or lack thereof, refund will not be issued.  

Sessions are scheduled in one-hour increments, should be scheduled at least 5-business days in advance, and are based on Lee’s availability. If scheduled from one day to the next, availability is NOT guaranteed, though best attempts will be made to make a session available within 5-business days from time requested unless Lee is on vacation or sick leave.

This bundle does not include:

  • Script reads (beyond the initial read as part of the intake)
  • Reviews of outlines or treatments beyond 8 pages
  • Any form of written script notes

Expect to…

  • Inform Lee in advance should outline reviews, essay reviews, treatment reviews or pitch doc reviews are needed. Due to Lee’s demanding coaching practice, Lee does not have the bandwidth to review most such documents from one day to the next without notice.
  • Schedule sessions in advance. Due to Lee’s busy schedule, you may need to schedule full sessions 5-7 business days in advance.
  • Inform Lee if you are only available to meet on a particular date/time, so that she could try her best to accomodate.
  • If you ask Lee for a 5-10 minute phone availability on a given day for a quick conversation, Lee will do her best to accommodate, but your call will often times not be able to go longer due to previous commitment.

Should writer opt to continue with the Annual Unlimited Coaching Plan beyond the bundle year (2025) he or she will be invited to renew his plan at $2,999 per year.

One-on-One Coaching Rate (full price):

Career Coaching Intake Session (no script read) $275
Career Coaching Intake Session (with script read) $449
Complete Coaching Pack: Intake Session, 5-Session Pack $1,049
Complete Coaching Pack: Intake Session, Script Read, 5-Session Pack $1,199
Complete Coaching Pack: Intake Session, 10-Session Pack $1,699
Complete Coaching Pack: Intake Session, Script Read, 10-Session Pack $1,875
Annual Unlimited Coaching Plan, Intake Session $3,649
Annual Unlimited Coaching Plan, Intake Session, Script read $3,799

If purchased as stand-alone following your intake session, the rates for ongoing coaching as of January 1, 2020 are:

  • Individual Coaching Session         $225
  • 5-Session Coaching Pack               $875
  • 10-Session Coaching Pack             $1,549
  • AUCP  (Annual Unlimited)           $3,500*
  • Script Reads (Feature script, up to 120 pages)              $229
  • Script Reads (1-hour pilot script, up to 65 pages)         $200
  • Script Reads (1/2-hour pilot script, up to 38 pages)    $180

Packs and individual coaching sessions are only available for purchase post-intake.

*available in 2 payment installments of $1,500 each, the first due upon launch of AUCP, the second due 2 months later. If you are interested in the AUCP, but would like to pay in 2 installments, please email

Your Annual Unlimited Coaching Plan (AUCP) offers unlimited career coaching sessions, including in-person meetings, calls and emails with Lee Jessup. All work associated with the AUCP will be dedicated to career coaching in the screenwriting space and/or related entertainment industry space, and may take place over email, by phone or in person.

Lee Jessup will provide ongoing insight, constructive criticism and knowledge to guide Client, i.e., writer, writing team or partners, towards effective and lasting forward motion in his entertainment-related career. Success or failure depends on a variety of elements, including: The quality of client’s work, the ability of client to complete assigned tasks in a timely fashion, as well as client’s candor. Elements such as industry trends, market needs and changing project viability are beyond both client’s and Lee’s control.

By agreeing to work with a client, Lee neither endorses the writer, deems him viable for a screenwriting or TV writing career, nor does she vouch for his ability to succeed in the screenwriting space in accordance with his unique career expectation. Lee’s role is that of a career coach, whose aim is to provide guidance, support, insight and advice  as the writer pursues his desired career path.

A successful coaching relationship requires participation from both coach and client. While coach is expected to provide perspective, knowledge, guidance, industry insights and thoughtful recommendations related to both creative and strategic efforts, client is expected to respect relationship boundaries, follow coach’s advice or engage in thoughtful discussion when deviating from it, consistently deliver elements (be they work, networking efforts, or other industry-related initiatives) recommended for desired progress.

The AUCP is non-refundable and non-transferable. However, should client continuously fail to deliver agreed-upon work or systematically miss pre-scheduled meetings, Lee may cancel this AUCP without providing a refund. Should the AUCP be terminated for force-majeure-related reasons, refund will be issued after the total number of sessions, be they phone or in-person, are calculated and paid for in full. In the case of a plan cancellation, sessions missed without 24-hour cancellation will be charged in full.  Sessions will be calculated based on $225/session, with an intake calculated at $275 without a script read, or $449 with a script read. Additional elements purchased in association with the AUCP (intake, script read), will not be refunded should plan be terminated. Outline and other preparatory or pitch material reviews are calculated at $100 per review should the plan be terminated. Extensive emails and research will be charged at $75 per email should the plan be terminated.

Not included in the AUCP are script reads, which will be charged at $220 for feature reads up to 120-pages, $200 for 1-hour pilot reads up to 65-pages, and $180 for 1/2-hour pilot reads up to 38. Additional pages beyond the page limit will be charged at $1 per page.

While Lee does share her proprietary career coaching tools with her clients, Lee does not provide written documentation of any kind, including (but not limited to) coverage reports, development notes, written career assessments, etc. All input, advice, guidance, insight and suggestion will be provided verbally. Client may record sessions or take notes during a session if so desired.

Sessions are scheduled in one-hour increments, should be scheduled at least 7-business days in advance, and are based on Lee Jessup’s availability. If scheduled from one day to the next, availability is NOT guaranteed, though best attempts will be made to make a session available within 7 business days of time requested unless Lee is on vacation or sick leave. All in-person sessions will take place at Lee’s location of choice. Lee is not available for sessions over the weekend or during holidays.

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